Year 6 Blog

We hope you're as excited as we are about what Year 6 has been up to lately. We have been growing, both academically and environmentally.

In our Maths lessons this week, Year 6 has been diving deep into the world of multiplication and building on what was established in Year 5 and prior to that too. We've been mastering the art of column multiplication, a fundamental skill that allows for problem-solving and tackling challenges that require not only calculations but also critical thinking and creativity.

In our English lessons, we've embarked on an inspiring journey of research. We've been exploring the lives and accomplishments of motivational figures who inspire us to be the best we can be. Some of the incredible individuals Year 6 have been researching include Marcus Rashford, Greta Thunberg, and Malala Yousafzai. These remarkable people have made a lasting impact on their communities, countries and the world we're eager to learn from their stories.

In addition to our academic pursuits, Year 6 has also been getting their hands dirty, in the best way possible! We've started preparing planting spots on the school field for the arrival of saplings. These saplings will soon find their new homes in our school environment, contributing to a more biodiverse, sustainable and greener future. We hope to see our school grounds flourish with the growth of these trees.

Year 6 is having an incredible time this week, and we can't wait to continue our learning journey. Whether we're multiplying, researching inspiring individuals, or planting trees, each experience helps us grow and learn more about the world around us. 


To infinity and beyond..


Year R Parent and Pupil "Pip and Pap Phonics" Workshop