We have had a sizzling hot week in Year 1 and with the temperature rising, the quality of work is continuing to rise as well. The children have been working hard in the beginning of their last term of the year and are looking to finish Year 1 with records highs. 

Great Gardening Day! - Great job parents and children

Last week, we saw the blossoming community of children and parents put their green fingers to the test, pulled up the gardening gloves and grabbed their rakes and spades with the idea to turn around the school grounds. In year 1, the children looked to encourage the sunny weather by planting wildflowers and sunflowers. The children then worked on their room designing as we created 4 bug hotels with a range of differences which we have heard a huge buzz about. We have heard a group of crickets want to jump in as soon as possible. We want to thank everyone who took part in the day.

English - Giraffe's 'usually' can't dance.

For our final writing topic we have been looking at getting all our dance moves ready and dancing with the different animals of the savannah. Well, nearly all of them. Gerald the Giraffe is not feeling the music. To support this, we have been looking at the different ways that plants and other animals move with a focus on the 'ly' words (adverbs) to add more details to the movement that they are making. Now, the grass is waving slowly, the vines are hanging lazily and the birds are squawking loudly.

RE - One day I'm gonna be a really big star. 

Cristiano Ronaldo, Leonel Messi, Taylor Swift, Josh Fiddon... Hang on. Wait a minute, Josh Fiddon isn't someone who is famous (yet). The teachers all dressed up as different celebrities and the children asked questions about why they are famous and looked at the reason they managed to become so well known. We also looked to see if there were any links between their journeys to fame. Maybe we can take some notes too. 

The Wright Brothers

Welcome aboard our soaring adventure through time as we discover the remarkable accomplishments of the Wright brothers and their incredible journey in the world of flight. The sharing of this story has ignited the children’s curiosity and nurtured their love for exploration and innovation.

‘Their legacy lives on, inspiring us all,

To chase our dreams, no matter how small.

The sky is our canvas, dreams paint the way,

With wings in our hearts, we’ll soar and play.’

Join us as we dive into the captivating creation of flight; let’s celebrate the Wright brothers’ pioneering spirit and let our children’s dreams take flight among the stars!


Super sale!

Imagine a treasure trove of unique, handmade products, delicious treats, captivating artwork, and recycled creations, all created by our talented young entrepreneurs. Now all we need is your help! Some of you may have heard that each class is participating in the ‘Fiver Challenge’ to grow our funds through the sale of handmade items such as friendship bracelets, keyrings, and recycled shopping bags, as well as the sale of raffle tickets with a chance to win many other exciting prizes. This challenge is ongoing throughout the school so please continue to show your much appreciated support and discover the incredible talents that our children have to offer.

We still have a few more weeks left in the term and we are tidying up our writing and maths skills, however the countdown for year 2 is getting lower and we are making sure we are ready for the next big step.


Year R


Year 2