Lord Mayor Tree Planting

Blog post written by: Kayden, Douglas and Phoebe all from 6T

On Tuesday 14th March 2023, we were very honoured to be visited by Southampton City Lord Mayor Jacqui Rayment, who brought with her members of the Balfour Beatty construction company who are sponsoring the mayor's tree planting project.

We helped the mayor plant a huge whitebeam sapling. We expected the sapling to be tiny, but it was actually 3 metres tall! It is positioned very proudly next to the reading area on the field. We had lots of pictures taken and were all very impressed by the lord mayor's chain. The education staff from Balfour Beatty then gave us a fascinating presentation about the mayor and trees. We learnt that trees can communicate through a network of roots called the Wood Wide Web and this is the 800th year of Southampton City Mayor.

We were told the whitebeam tree could grow to over 20 metres tall- we look forward to seeing it grow.




Year R